Lote 19/03/2011

Heavy Metal (1981)
La sindrome di Stendhal (1996) Dario Argento
Caligola (1979) Tinto Brass
The Magnificent Seven (1960)
La casa 5 (1990) Claudio Fragasso
Runaway (1984)

Hellraiser 3
Child’s Play (1988)
Enter the Game of Death (1980)
Naked Tango (1990) Leonard Schrader (Filmed in Argentina)
Hai sbagliato… dovevi uccidermi subito! (1972) Mario Bianchi
FX 2
Perros de la noche (1986)

The good the bad and the ugly
Back to the future 1, 2 and 3
Rambo 2, Rambo 3
I tre che sconvolsero il West (Vado, vedo e sparo) (1968) Enzo Castellari

Buio Omega (Beyond the Darkness) Joe D’Amato
El desquite (1983) Juan Carlos Desanzo
En retirada (1984) Juan Carlos Desanzo
The Dirty Dozen: Next Mission (1985) (TV)
The Dirty Dozen (1967)
The Thing

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