Otro proyecto de documental sobre el coleccionismo de VHS!
Están juntando fondos en http://www.kickstarter.com
Está detrás de este documental la gente del blog VHShitfest.com y se entrevistaron a muchísimos coleccionistas y personas relacionadas con la escena del VHS de USA
Texto original en el que piden financiación:
Adjust Your Tracking is a feature-length documentary film directed by Levi “Dabeedo” Peretic and Dan Kinem. It’s a passion project made by true lovers of the format hoping to capture why VHS holds such a special place in so many different people’s hearts. Already featuring interviews with Lloyd Kaufman, Tony Timpone, Fred Vogel, Keith Crocker, Earl Kess, Louis Justin, among countless other people who help shape VHS collecting culture, we are looking for more. By donating you will help us get more interviews with as many people in the VHS/collecting community as possible.
We need your help to make this the best possible film it can be! This is made by VHS lovers, for VHS lovers. We tried to offer the best rewards we possibly could, but trust me, if you donate we will throw in more goodies for you!
If you have any [honest] feedback, rights to any films we could use, video store footage, anything you want to say [we could interview you!], collection footage, or if you want to provide original music for the movie we would forever love you! Just message us or email us at [email protected]
Link en Kickstarter

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